

Sessions' Venue

All sessions will be held at 21 Academy's Training Centre in Naxxar

21 Business Centre, No. 20., Triq in-Nutar Debono, Naxxar NXR 2525

Thursday sessions: 15:00 - 19:00hrs


Course WhatsApp Group

Joining the course's WhatsApp group offers several benefits that can enhance your learning experience. Firstly, it provides immediate and direct communication with the academy, ensuring you receive important updates promptly. You will also be notified of any cancellations or postponements of lectures, allowing you to stay informed and plan accordingly.

Additionally, the group serves as a platform for sharing ideas and collaborating with your coursemates, fostering a supportive learning community. We encourage you to join, by clicking on the button below, and actively participate in discussions, as this will enrich your academic journey.

Join Group


Academy Documents

Kindly access the Students' Policies & Forms by clicking on the button below. The following documents, among others, can be found there: Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Students' Privacy Notice, Deferral, Suspension, and Cancellation Policy, Assignment Extension Policy, Re-Sit Policy, Complaints Procedure Policy, Equality Policy, and Student Disciplinary Policy.

Students' Policies & Forms


Lecture Schedule & Notes

Lecture notes will be available during the week following the respective lecture. Schedule dates are indicative and may change. All changes, if any, may be communicated via email, SMS or telephone calls.

LectureDateTimePresentationNotes (If Any)
Session 0123 January 202515:00 to 17:00Presentation 01
Session 0223 January 202517:00 to 19:00
Session 0330 January 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 0430 January 202517:00 to 19:00Formative Assessment
Session 056 February 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 066 February 202517:00 to 19:00
Session 0713 February 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 0813 February 202517:00 to 19:00Formative Assessment
Session 0920 February 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 1020 February 202517:00 to 19:00
Session 1127 February 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 1227 February 202517:00 to 19:00Formative Assessment
Session 136 March 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 146 March 202517:00 to 19:00Formative Assessment
Session 1513 March 202515:00 to 17:00
Session 1613 March 202517:00 to 19:00Summative Assessment



Mr. Joseph Bonello


Lecture Summaries & Suggested Reading


Lecture 1 - The Maltese Alphabet, how it is written and pronounced, sun & moon consonants, the article

Following this session students will be:

  • Familiar with the Maltese alphabet – its consonants & vowels, sun & moon consonants, its pronunciation
  • Listen to and write basic Maltese words
  • Be able to use the article in its correct forms
  • Be able to listen to and write the article correctly
  • Be able to read a short passage and pick the nouns

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials - p.11 – X’jismek?

Supplementary Reading List

  • Malti l-Ewwel Pass (Playstore) – Ittri
  • Nina u Ninu (playstore) – L-alfabett


Lecture 2 - Introduction to masculine & feminine words - nationalities

Following this session students:

  • will learn about the two noun genders
  • will become familiar with the formation of masculine and feminine genders
  • will be able to identify flags and the language they embrace
  • will be able to write short basic sentences related to different nationalities.

Core Reading List

Supplementary Reading List

  • Malti it-Tieni Pass (playstore)


Lecture 3 - Introduction to the singular - plural

Following this session students will be given:

  • able to identify singular and plural nouns
  • able to form the singular and plural of basic words
  • able to name or label pictures and write their plural forms

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p.52 Messaġġ fuq Facebook

Supplementary Reading List

  • Malti it-Tieni Pass (playstore) - Plural


Lecture 4 - The personal pronouns and the present tense

Following this session students will be:

  • able to use the personal pronouns within short sentences
  • able to use nouns instead of pronouns
  • able to use the singular and plural personal pronoun forms
  • able to write short sentences related to a picture
  • able to use the personal pronoun and the preposition ‘għand’ as verbs in the present tense
  • able to use the present tense to write about pictures

Core Reading List

  • Speaking Medical Maltese – p.13 Taħdita bejn it-tabib u l-infermiera

Supplementary Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar essentials – p. 25 (The Pronouns), p. 99 (The Present Tense)
  • Malti it-Tieni Pass (Playstore) - Pronomi


Lecture 5 - Action Words – The Present Tense (formation and use)

Following this session students will be:

  • familiar with the formation of verbs in the present tense
  • be able to read a paragraph and identify verbs in the present tense
  • be able to understand the formation of verbs in the present tense
  • be able to conjugate verbs in the present tense
  • be able to use the verbs in the present tense in a sentence

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p.84 Il-Ġurnata ta’ Felix

Supplementary Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar essentials – p. 25 (The Pronouns), p. 99 (The Present Tense)


Lecture 6 - Introduction to the Numbers

Following this session students will be:

  • able to say numbers in Maltese from 1 – 20 and tens up to 100
  • able to say other numbers up to 100
  • able to match number figures with words
  • able to write words instead of numbers
  • able to use of singular and plural nouns with numbers
  • familiar with ordinal numbers and their using them

Core Reading List

  • Speaking Maltese – p.33 Fuq il-Monti

Supplementary Reading List

  • Malti l-Ewwel Pass (Playstore) – In-Numri
  • In-Numri bil-Malti (Playstore)
  • Malti t-Tieni Pass (Playstore) – Kliem flok Numri
  • Nina u Ninu (playstore) – In-Numri


Lecture 7 - The Family

Following this session students will be:

  • familiar with the names of the family members and relatives
  • able to read and pick the names of family members
  • able to use and understand a simple family tree
  • able to use the names of family members to complete sentences
  • able to read and understand a related short paragraph
  • able to complete a related text based on listening to a read passage

Core Reading List

  • Speaking Maltese 1 – p.13  Il-Wasla taz-zija tal-Awstralja

Supplementary Reading List

  • My First 750 words – p. 73 (The Family)


Lecture 8 - Prepositions of time and place

Following this session students will be:

  • knowledgeable about prepositions of time and place
  • able to identify objects in a picture and their position
  • able to read a map and identify the locations
  • familiar about medical vocabulary through prepositions

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p.20  Sinjali

Supplementary Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p. 64 ex: 4, 5, 6.


Lecture 9 - The family

Following this session students will be given:

  • familiar with the names of the family members and relatives
  • able to read and pick the names of family members
  • able to use and understand a simple family tree
  • able to use the names of family members to complete sentences
  • able to read and understand a related short paragraph
  • able to complete a related text based on listening to a read passage

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p.15 Il-familja tiegħi

Supplementary Reading List

  • My First 750 words – p. 73 (The Family)


Lecture 10 - Food and Drink

Following this session students will be:

  • familiar with the names of food and drink items
  • able to write the names of common food and drink items
  • able to use the correct form of some verbs to complete sentences
  • able to listen and write the correct word
  • able to read and pick the names of food and drink items

Core Reading List

  • My First 750 Words – p.7, 8 ex.1,2, 3p.59, 60 ex.1, 2

Supplementary Reading List


Lecture 11 - The house - furniture and rooms

Following this session students will be:

  • familiar with vocabulary related to the Maltese house
  • familiar with vocabulary related to different rooms and furniture
  • able to use prepositions of place in gapped texts and in the students’ own simple sentences
  • able to read a short text and identify names of items related to the house and its contents.

Core Reading List

  • My First 750 Words – p.11, 12 ex.1, 4

Supplementary Reading List

  • My First 750 Words – p.19, 20 ex.1, 2, 3, 4


Lecture 12 - Adjectives – Description of Objects

Following this session students will be:

  • knowledgeable about basic description of objects
  • familiar with vocabulary of different adjectives
  • Be able to identify the gender of the nouns and the adjectives
  • Be able to identify adjectives in sentences and a short paragraph

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p.56  Malji għall-bejgħ

Supplementary Reading List

  • My First 750 Words – p.15, 16 ex.1, 3, 5
  • Malti l-Ewwel Pass (Playstore) - Oġġetti


Lecture 13 - Adjectives – description of physical features

Following this session students will be:

  • familiar with vocabulary related to different parts of the body
  • able to name different parts of the body
  • students will learn about organs in the body
  • be able to name different organs
  • be able to describe parts of the body using adjectives
  • be able to read a dialogue and identify parts of the body mentioned

Core Reading List

  • Maltese Grammar Essentials – p.61  Il-kamra tas-sodda

Supplementary Reading List

  • My First 750 Words – p.41, 43 ex.3, 4p.67, 68 ex.1, 2


Lecture 14 - Adjectives – Clothing and Colours

Following this session students will be:

  • Knowledgeable about colours and clothing items in Maltese
  • able to identify the use of colours and the gender of some colours
  • able to describe clothing items and their colour/s
  • able to read and understand a dialogue
  • Be able to write a dialogue in pairs

Core Reading List

  • My First 750 Words – p. 15, 16 ex. 1, 2, 3p.55, 56 ex.1, 2, 3

Supplementary Reading List

  • Malti l-Ewwel Pass (Playstore) - Kuluri


Lecture 15 - Occupational Specific Terminology

Following this session students will be:

  • Familiar with basic medical terminology
  • Able to read and understand basic medical terminology
  • Able to name items related to the medical profession
  • able to hold a basic dialogue related to medical field
  • able to answer random questions verbally

Core Reading List

  • My First 750 words – p.89, 90 ex.191 ex.391 ex.4

Supplementary Reading List

  • Speaking Medical Maltese 1 – p.15 Ma nistax norqod


Methods of Assessment

The assessment for this study programme is divided into two main components:

  1. Formative Assessment - This makes up 60% of the overall grade. It includes activities such as classwork, homework, and roleplay exercises. These assessments focus on continuous learning and skill development throughout the course. These formative assessment are held during every fourth session of the study programme as shown in the time-table above.
  2. Summative Assessment (Final Exam) - This accounts for 40% of the total grade. It is broken down into four equal sections:
    • 10% Speaking
    • 10% Listening
    • 10% Reading
    • 10% Writing

The summative assessment is held during session 16 of the study prgramme.

To successfully pass the unit, students must achieve a minimum average of 50% when the scores from both formative and summative assessments are combined.

The grades are determined based on the following ranges:

  • A+: 95–100% (Excellent)
  • A: 80–94% (Very Good)
  • B+: 75–79% (Good)
  • B: 70–74% (Above Average)
  • C+: 65–69% (Satisfactory)
  • C: 55–64% (Pass)
  • D+: 50–54% (Minimum Pass)

This structured system ensures clarity on how performance in assessments translates into the final grade.