
All announcements will be posted in the course resource centre after being shared via e-mail and the WhatsApp group.


Course WhatsApp Group

Joining the course's WhatsApp group offers several benefits that can enhance your learning experience. Firstly, it provides immediate and direct communication with the academy, ensuring you receive important updates promptly. You will also be notified of any cancellations or postponements of lectures, allowing you to stay informed and plan accordingly.

Additionally, the group serves as a platform for sharing ideas and collaborating with your coursemates, fostering a supportive learning community. We encourage you to join, by clicking on the button below, and actively participate in discussions, as this will enrich your academic journey.

Diploma in Law Oct 2024 Group



Introduction Session

Follow the session held on Monday, 23 September, 2024, by clicking on the button below.

Follow Induction Session

Passcode: Y3t#h8Vr

Presentation Slides


Planning, Writing & Submitting and Assignment

You can download the presentation delivered during the session by clicking on the button below.

Download the Presentation


Academy Documents

Kindly access the Students' Policies & Forms by clicking on the button below. The following documents, among others, can be found there: Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Students' Privacy Notice, Deferral, Suspension, and Cancellation Policy, Assignment Extension Policy, Re-Sit Policy, Complaints Procedure Policy, Equality Policy, and Student Disciplinary Policy.

Students' Policies & Forms


Referencing Style

Law students should use the OSCOLA referencing style as it is the standard citation system for legal writing in Malta. It ensures consistency, accuracy, and clarity when referencing legal sources, which is essential for academic and professional work. The video below provides detailed guidance on how to reference using OSCOLA. Please also refer to the OSCOLA Referencing Guide by clicking the button below

OSCOLA Referencing Guide




Below, you will find a link to the resource centre for each of the 17 modules in the study programme. These resource centres will be updated a few days before the first lecture of each module. In these centres, you will have access to lecture summaries, recommended reading lists, and any presentations or notes shared during the lectures, if applicable. These materials will be uploaded and made available after each lecture. Additionally, you will find links to the lecturers' biographies for each module, and where the assessment includes an assignment, there will be a link to download assignment questions and submission forms.


Submitting Assignments - Turnitin

The Academy will notify you via email when the assignment questions become available. Shortly after, you will receive another email from Turnitin, likely on the same day, confirming your enrolment in a "class" where you can upload your assignment(s).

Please ensure that your assignments are submitted no later than 23:59 on the assignment submission deadline, as indicated on the Assignment Submission form or in the Turnitin "class."

At 21 Academy, you have the option to submit multiple drafts before the final submission deadline. The version uploaded at the deadline will be treated as your final submission for assessment. Please note that Turnitin evaluates the same assignment twice within a 24-hour period, so any additional submissions during this time will not be reviewed until the 24-hour period has passed. Ensure that your final submission does not exceed 20% similarity, particularly when using direct quotations.

Follow this very short video to understand how to submit your assignment through Turnitin - Submitting a Paper

To understand the similarity report generated by Turnitin follow this 1 minute video - Understanding the Similarity Report


Module NameLecture DaysFirst LectureLast LectureMode of Assessment
The Maltese Legal SystemTuesdays & Wednesdays1 October 202415 October 2024Self-Assessment Exam & Assignment
Criminal LawWednesdays16 October 202427 November 20242 Assignments
Company Law FundamentalsTuesdays22 October 20243 December 2024Multiple Choice Exam & 2 Assignments
Administrative LawTuesdays & Wednesdays6 December 202418 December 20242 Assignments
European Union LawTuesdays7 January 202518 February 20252 Assignments
Legal Research and Interpretation MethodologyWednesdays8 January 202519 February 20252 Assignments
Principles of Commercial LawTuesdays25 February 202518 March 2025Multiple Choice Exam & 1 Assignment
Principles of Competition LawWednesdays26 February 202526 March 2025Multiple Choice Exam & 1 Assignment
Constitutional LawTuesdays25 March 202510 June 20252 Assignments
Information and Communication Technology LawWednesdays2 April 202511 June 20252 Assignments
Principles of Civil LawWednesdays1 October 202519 December 20253 Assignments
Maltese Education Law and Data Privacy Implications in the Education SectorTuesdays7 October 202518 November 2025Self-Assessment Exam & 1 Assignment
Overview of Tax LawTuesdays25 November 20257 January 20262 Assignments
Employment and Industrial Relations LawTuesdays13 January 20263 February 2026Oral & Essay
Civil ProcedureWednesdays14 January 202620 May 2026Oral
Gaming LawTuesdays17 February 202617 March 20262 Assignments
Banking and Finance LawTuesdays24 March 20265 May 20262 Assignments