8 February 2022

The most efficient way to guarantee the well-being and survival and ultimate growth of your business is the correct management of your human resources. One must therefore not shy from investing in employees in order to increase their capabilities and know-how, keep up to date with latest technological advances and thus stimulate competitivity and growth. 

The ergonomic design of the equipment used by your employees is a resource often overlooked; yet it is proven that human resources working in a comfortable environment result in better work performance and productivity.

There are several areas which are grouped by the term – ergonomics and these relate to the biomechanical and anthropometric nature of the human being. Proper equipment stimulates and optimises memory, perception, sociotechnical system, and mental processes amongst others within the organisational structure.

Morale and productivity are the two keywords which come to mind when assessing the positive impact of investing in proper ergonomics. When the team is given suitable and researched ergonomic facilities to work with, productivity is boosted.  

Ergonomics contribute to prevent occupational diseases and accidents, yet they do not form part of the obligation of ensuring health and safety at work. The benefits of investing in proper ergonomics contribute in different ways which include:

  • Optimising the relationship between the staff members and the working environment.
  • Increasing the efficiency and work output of the employees.
  • An increase in motivation towards achieving targets and growth in your employees.

Carefully researched ergonomics promote comfort which in turn makes the working force feel more valued. This increases efficiency and invariably leads to better work performances.

Research regarding the relationship between the implementation of proper ergonomics and the positive effect on work output is something which has gained prominence in recent years. Studies have exposed the link between common workplace problems such as extended sick leave and frequent absenteeism and the lack of investment in a proper ergonomic environment.

Summing up, we can conclude that in today’s competitive market, ergonomics might provide a further edge in increasing and improving the quality of work and business results. This is in addition to contributing to making the workplace a safer and more comfortable environment. Ergonomics therefore is the study of the relationship between your staff and the workplace, and the research of the benefits reaped through investment in proper facilities.