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Covid 19: What HR need to know

Detailed Information

Date:11th March, 2020
Time:09:00 till 11:00hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Dr Christopher Deguara
Dr Patrick Farrugia
Mr Angelito Sciberras
Price:€55 + VAT
Booking Form

Many employers and employees are concerned with the rapid changes being brought about by the COVID 19 virus. This workshop will look at the issues that employers and HR professionals need to consider as they prepare for different potential scenarios. Dr Roselyn Borg will delve into the legal and practical implications, Angelito Sciberras will explain the implications from a data privacy perspective, and Dr Chris Deguara will join the workshop for the last 30 minutes to talk to the participants regarding the medical repercussions and essential preventive measures.

The two hour workshop will cover the following:

  • Duties of the Employer
  • Health and Safety legislation and the duty to provide a safe place of work
  • Preventing employee from attending work if unwell or within self-isolation bracket
  • Absence from Work
    • Situation if an employee is stranded overseas (e.g. when having been on annual leave)
    • Situation if employee is unwell whilst overseas
    • Forcing employees to take annual leave – what does the law say?
    • Refusal of employee to take risk of travelling to/attending work overseas
    • Sick leave or Special leave
  • Responsibilities to Employees Working Overseas
    • Duty of care
  • Data Protection
    • Care with medical information
    • Handling of information about employees who have traveled to highly infected areas
  • Contractual clauses, Working from Home policy and disciplinary matters
  • Force majeur
  • What should a Working from Home policy include
  • If and when we should take disciplinary action
Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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