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Employee Handbook – Practical Considerations

Detailed Information

Date:19th February, 2020
Time:09:00 till 12:00hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Price:€55 + VAT
*Those booking for 3 sessions of the Wednesdays' Workshops even if by
different attendees will receive a €30 discount on each set of 3 bookings.
Booking Form

It is fundamental to protect your organization from employment litigation and costly legal fees by updating or drafting your employee handbook.  This workshop will guide you through what should and should not be included in your employee manual.

You will have an opportunity to ask questions re your own handbook or discuss creating one.  In either case, you’ll have the unique opportunity to collaborate with others in the group and benefit from input from you tutor.

In this workshop we will discusss what to include and what not to include in your handbook and you will be taken through essential topics and policies. You will be provided with legal guidelines and helpful tips and tricks.

You will be taken through in more detial on the must have policies and will be guided through what should be included in such polices and procedures.

If you subscribe to this workshop you will be eligible for a discount of 50% of any policy and procedure you would like us to draft for you! ​

Booking Form
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