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Staying Healthy at the Workplace Webinar

Detailed Information

Date:15 March 2021
Time:09:00 till 10:00hrs
Guest Speakers:Leanne Bartolo
Stephanie Tanti Desjardins
Booking Form

Following the success and positive response received about our Ergonomics at the Workstation webinar, 21 Academy in collaboration with Eat & Fuel and Warehouse Fitness Studio will be delivering this 1-hour webinar for both Managers, particularly HR Professionals, and Employees to give useful tips on how to stay healthy at work, whether one is working from home or not.

Employees need to be empowered with the tools and insights to make positive adjustments to improve their health and wellbeing. Now even more than ever employees are limited to less physical activity during working hours irrespective whether they are working from home or from the office.

Now, for some, travelling to work only involves moving from one room to another. Others might have started commuting using their own vehicle to avoid getting in proximity of others. It is easy to get out of the habit of proper exercise.

Evidently, the new work lifestyle has had an impact on our daily nutritional intake as well as our physical activity.

During this free webinar nutritionist and lifestyle coach, Stephanie Tanti Desjardins, explains what healthy eating means and how this positively effects one’s mental and physical health. She will also give easy tips on how to prepare meals either to take to your office or to eat at home.

Fitness Instructor, Leanne Bartolo, will speak about routines that can easily be carried out at the workstation or at home during working hours.

This webinar is being delivered in collaboration with:

Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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